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The instruction is to help you with installation of the Opal Estate Plugin.
Today, Opal Team , we very happy to introduce with you plugin "Opal Estate".One of plugins, that developed by our technicals.
Opal Estate plugin will help you to buy, sell, or rent land, buildings or housing, do not take more your time.
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Themes in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New button at the top of the page and go for the Upload option.
- Step 3: Choose then click Install
- Step 4: Wait while the theme is uploaded and installed then activate the theme.
Right after the theme was activated, a notification at the top of the screen will suggest to continue with the installation of the plugins recommended for getting the best our of your theme.
Follow the installation steps below:
Step 1. Click ‘Begin installing plugins‘ and select the plugins you need to install from the list.
Step 2: Select all plugins then choose Install , Click Apply to install all plugins
Step 3: Select all plugins then choose Active , Click Apply to active all plugins
When Plugin Opal Estate is actived, you will see all function of Opal Esate display in right side:
Property Categories
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Property Categories.
- Step 3: You will see a form to create property categories, please fill in all information to create.
- Step 4: When category is ready, please click to button "Add new Property Categories".
All Property
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the All Properties.
You will see all properties in there, when user submit property, it will display with "Pending" status .
If you want to publish it please click "Edit" and change status for this property.
Front-end look like:
Amenities is provide all facilities of properties.
To create amenities, please step by step:
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Aminities.
- Step 3: You will see a form to create Amenity, please fill in all information to create.
- Step 4: When category is ready, please click to button "Add new Amenity".
Front-end look like:
Location is provide the place of properties.
To create location of properties, please step by step:
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Locations.
- Step 3: You will see a form to create Location, please fill in all information to create.
- Step 4: When category is ready, please click to button "Add new Location".
Front-end look like: when member add location in your property
Status allow member set up status for property(Rent or Sale).
To create status, please step by step:
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Status.
- Step 3: You will see a form to create status, please fill in all information to create.
- Step 4: When category is ready, please click to button "Add new Status".
Front-end look like: when member select status in your property
Location is provide the place of properties.
To create location of properties, please step by step:
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Opal Properties in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Types.
- Step 3: You will see a form to create Type, please fill in all information to create.
- Step 4: When category is ready, please click to button "Add new Type".
Front-end look like: when member select type in your property
Opal Agents allow you to accept payments, create subscription plans and restrict content on your website.
Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashbroad)
Step 2 - Click the 'Agents' tab
Step 3 - Click the 'Add New Agent
Step 4 - Start filling in the blanks: enter your agent title in the upper field, and enter your agent body content in the main agent editing box below it.
Step 5 - As needed, select featured image of agent and select level for agent.
Step 6 - Scroll down until you see the "agent for seachable" and "agent information" box, there you will be able to customize the agent and fill in all information in there.
Input all data of agent information
Agent look like:
All Agents
Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashbroad)
Step 2 - Click the 'Agents' tab
Step 3 - Click the 'All Agents
You will see all agents in there, you can edit or trash... agents.
Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashbroad)
Step 2 - Click the 'Agents' tab
Step 3 - Click the 'Agent Levels
Front-end look like:
Step 1 - Click to button Sign up
In header of fullhouse has button Login and Register, please login(if you has been account) or register user(if you still not register account).
User buy a membership.
Then click to Membership tab in menu look like:
Step 2 - Click to button "Buy Now" to buy membership. It will go to page check out.
After login user, please click to "submit property":
User will see form to submit property, please fill in all information about your property.
Status and Type
Select status and type for your property
Images gallery: select one or more image to show as gallery.
You can set featured for image and edit or delete image
Video: input link of your video.
Property prices
Price: insert price for property .
Price label: input your label of price (e.g."per month").
Property Location
Address: input address of property .
Loction: Seclect location for your property.
Postal Code/Zip: insert number .
Map Address: input your address in google map.
Property Information
Built year: insert year to built property .
Parking: insert number parking to display in property .
Address: input your address.
Bedrooms: insert number of bedrooms .
Bathrooms: input number of bathrooms. And insert number of Plot size, Orientaion, Living rooms, Kitchens, Rooms....
Property Amenities
Choose amenities in box to display in your properties . You can select all or one of them.
Public Facilities
Set up Lable and Content for Facilities.
When it ready, please click "Save Property"
Please wait to admin approve your property. It will display in front-end:
When install plugin "Opal Estate" Opal Estate has some plugins will be displayed in widget.You can drag or drop element to widget.
Front-end look like:
a. Create Shortcode Profile Page
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New .
- Step 3: - Start filling in the blanks: enter your page title in the upper field, and enter shortcode in page .
- Step 4: - As needed, select config layout setting.
The shortcode for agents profile: [opalestate_user_profile]
When this page is ready, please click to button "Publish"
Front-end look like:
b. Create Shortcode Favorite
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New .
- Step 3: - Start filling in the blanks: enter your page title in the upper field, and enter shortcode in page .
- Step 4: - As needed, select config layout setting.
The shortcode favorite for agents : [opalestate_user_favious_properties]
When this page is ready, please click to button "Publish"
Front-end look like:
c. Create Shortcode Search Agents Page
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New .
- Step 3: - Start filling in the blanks: enter your page title in the upper field, and enter shortcode in page .
- Step 4: - As needed, select config layout setting.
The shortcode Search Agents Page : [opalestate_search_agents]
When this page is ready, please click to button "Publish"
Front-end look like:
d. Create Shortcode Submission Page
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New .
- Step 3: - Start filling in the blanks: enter your page title in the upper field, and enter shortcode in page .
- Step 4: - As needed, select config layout setting.
The shortcode Submission Page : [opalestate_submission]
When this page is ready, please click to button "Publish"
Front-end look like:
e. Create Shortcode My Property Page
- Step 1: Navigate to Appearance → Page in your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Step 2: Click the Add New .
- Step 3: - Start filling in the blanks: enter your page title in the upper field, and enter shortcode in page .
- Step 4: - As needed, select config layout setting.
The shortcode My Property Page : [opalestate_submission_list]
When this page is ready, please click to button "Publish"
Front-end look like:
Fill config in general tab
+ Profile page: Select page profile after create shortcode page.
+ Favorite page: Seclect page favorite to setting for page. It will display favorite page in front-end.
+ Search Agents Page: Select page search to display in front-end. Allow search agent.
+ Minium of Target Price For Agent: Set up price for starting search agent.
+ Maxium of Taget Price For Agent: Set up price for starting search agent.
With Target Price , it will display in form search look like:
+ Single Layout Page: Setting layout for single favorite page is inherit or version 2.
Location will display follow 2 ways :
1. Location will display alone:
2. Location will display with image:
+Enable Admin Approve : the Property will be auto approve when user submit, if you do not enable it.
+Hide admin toolbar : This option will hide admin toolbar with logged in user, if it checked..
+Currencty Settings : Set up currency for your property.
+Google Map API : Please set up key of google map API by click to this link API Key and register key
fill in all information of email.
Enable function if you want to display in search.
It will display look like:
Property Submission Page: Select page shortcode for submission.
Property Listings Page: Choose page to display when user is logined.
Fill content show user not login with form.
Step 7 - Click button "save setting".
When user login. Dashboard will display in front-end, allow user to control profile or membership or property easilly.
My Profile
In your dashboard, user can edit profile by click to "My Profile".
User can change anything about profile or can change username and password in there.
My Favorite.
When you click add favorite
And then click button "My Favorite", it will display all favorites that you just added.
Submit Property.
If you want to create new property, please click button "Submit Property"
My Properties.
When user click button "My Properties", it will display all properties .
My Membership.
When user click button "My Membership", it will display all membership that you bought .
Review Membership.
When user click button "Review Membership", it will go to membership page to view all packages of membership .
If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation, please take a photo screenshot with description detail about your problem or idea. Send all to email : [email protected] or ticket: [email protected]. Our technical team will check and try their best to help
Our support covers configuration, building site as demo, trouble using any features, and bug fixes. We don't provide support for customizations or 3rd party extension.
We try our best to monitor the email around the clock, however, this is not always possible due to different time zones. We will try to reply you as fast as we can.
Our working time is 8.00 AM - 5.30 PM, Monday to Friday (GMT+7). So if ask for help in the weekend, you may have to wait a little bit for support and please be patient.